Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all things shall be added onto you”. This word is the key to get everything, but the meaning is so complicated. What does everything in this verse means? Does it mean all worldly riches or is it just eternal riches to be awarded after life in the land of eternity? We may know that a computer can be use to do many work faster and better, but if we don’t know how to use a computer, it will not help in our work. I have been studying this passage for a long time. I think I have understood some fraction of this sentence by the grace of God who speaks to me through the Bible.
Seek the kingdom: The first step in seeking the kingdom of God, we must try to know what the kingdom of God is. Jesus spoke of many parables telling us about the kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, the last can become the first and vice versa. It is always about serving others rather than to be served. Jesus himself showed us the greatest example through his life. About all the blessings, the best of all that no money can buy is the happiness, peace, joy and love that we get after seeking the kingdom of God. As a human with blood and flesh, it might be really difficult to be like our Lord, but we can at least seek what His Kingdom is which and try to be like one who is in His real kingdom. This will be a countless blessing even in this earth.
His Righteousness: By reading the book of proverbs, we come across many things a righteous man does. In everymen’s heart, there is a power to know what is good and evil. This was caused by the sin in the Garden of Eden. So, in short, His righteousness means, we should follow the good will of the heart even when no breathing human being will know about the bad things we do for our personal gain. We must fear the Lord and feel his presence everywhere and every time.
All the things shall be added unto you: Here all the things means all the things, whatever we need and even whatever we want as long as it is for the glory of God and we do not stray away from His will. For a born again Christians, it doesn’t mean that we are totally free from all sins and worldly desires. We are the children of God and God will take care of us like His own children. God doesn’t give us things that will make us forget him or make us think that we are capable of living without Him. He always wants us to be close to Him and learn to trust Him, because we are to be with Him for eternity. And the promise is that He will always be with us through everything. The righteous may fall but God will always pick them up whereas the wicked may rise for a while, but at the end they will always wither like a fallen grass.
Example based on true story: There was a man who had two sons; both his sons were living away from him for their studies. One son earned the trust of his father by doing his work seriously and using the money his father sent in a proper way that help him in his studies. While the other son lost the trust of his father by spending his share of money on drinking and some drugs. So whenever they ask for more money even in case of some problems, the father will gladly give to the good son while he started to give lesser amount to the other son so that the son would not have any surplus for unnecessary drugs and drinks. In the same way, God our father is willing to give everything to His children as long as we use it for the right purpose. So to seek His kingdom and His righteousness is to seek His commands and stick to them.
You got it, buddy