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Feb 20, 2011

The Best Investment

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,
  and he will reward them for what they have done." Proverbs 19:17

What will be better investment than lending to the Lord who have everything in heaven and earth? Buying stocks with your money and investing in different firms may give you profits sometimes, but many times it will only lead to greed and loss. Lending to a friend in need is still better because we know that they will pay us back with whatever they have, even if they couldn't pay us back we are still satisfied because they are our friend, after all. But nothing can beat lending to the Lord our God. He will always pay us back, and this is done by being kind to the poor.
The Lord always judges with justice, kindness and love. Being kind to the poor with all that we have in excess besides our needs will always be repayed. If the punishes the wrongs during the life in this world, how much more will He reward the righteous? Having the right view on how to use the blessings of God will make us a good steward of His richness.
If a normal human, a sinner filled with greed repays what you lend to him with interests, how much more will the Lord repay with interest. But the Lord repays those who gives Him willingly ands takes away from those who misuse His blessings, after all, everything belongs to the Lord.

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