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Oct 2, 2011

Shaken by the storm

HIS Judgement
Shaken by the storm, oppressed by cyclones, tortured by earthquakes, yet it still stands. How strong can one be? How brave can one be? How timid and weak can one be? Yet, all breathing the same air and the lives in the same competitive world. Sometimes, life seems unfair and unjust because someone have all the families around and a lot to eat and spend, while some one on the street have nothing. Nothing means nothings. Staring at the happy passers by, hungry and weak.

How can we call the creator just and fair? Yet how can you protest against the almighty? He who knows all. How can our little brain and eyes perceive to the vast knowledge of his being? Have any of your creations ever questioned you? How big is the difference between you and HIM? Yet, we are loved and we claim to love HIM. It is so confusing sometimes. The more you think, the more it gets blurred.

However I feel save and loved when I am close to Him. Yet, I don't know what makes me run away from Him. Besides everything seems fair and just when I compare this short life with the eternity He promised me and the sins He payed for me.

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