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Jan 15, 2012

How can I say Good Bye to my sins?

I have been struggling a long time trying to defeat the human desires in me. I try convincing myself that committing small mistakes and small sins are normal. I use other people around me as a measuring scale. Outwardly, I am very good, most parents would envy my parents for having a child like me, because I always obey my parents as much as they know, I am successful in my academic career. I work hard, I have patience, I help the poor, I love doing good things for others, I am happy in helping others. I know I love the Lord Jesus and would even die for Him, yet there is something left in me that I don't know. There is something that tells me I am not pleasing God yet. I tried finding it out, but the deceiver have deceived me so well that I am blinded by my own so called good deeds.

I do whatever I think people will appreciate, I make people happy which makes me happy for sometime, but deep inside me, there is something that makes me scared. Because I know a way to find peace yet I can't go there. I see the tears of happiness that flows from the eyes of people who found it. Their joys have no boundaries, no limitations in terms of anything, ever flowing joy and happiness despite sufferings, pains, toils, death and sorrow. I know the value and the way yet I can't get it. Everyone is permitted to take this gift of this eternal peace and happiness. It is so abundant for the whole world and all generations. Yet I can get it. :-(

No one can really find out whether I got it or not, because it cannot be measured with people or by people. It can be seen only by the one who created this abundant grace and peace with His own blood and flesh. And he writes the name of those who found the everlasting peace in His book of life because he calls them his children who will live with Him for eternity.

Nov 6, 2011

Education Society

Education and Society. Let me first begin with society. It is formed be a well-organized group of people. In a society, there are many social activities. Social activities are done to make the society progress in different sense. If there is no progress in a society, then it is better to call it as habitat, as in the animals habited is the forest. 
Back to Education. It is the ever necessary needs in the life of every breathing soul on earth. Education is not only about getting jobs with huge pay or getting rich. All rich peoples are not educated but all well educated people earn their living, whether rich or poor.

Nov 3, 2011

Jhuming cultivation in the North-East India

Jhuming Cultivation in North-East India
Jhuming Cultivation in North-East India in the Propose Tipaimukh Dam site
The cartoon version and the real version of the jhuming cultivation may differ. It is the type of cultivation practice in North-Eastern parts of India. It is one of the most wasteful way of cultivation exploiting the richness of mother nature where the population is less and forest area is abundant for every household in a village. It is practiced in small villages surrounded by forest enrich with wild life.

Nov 2, 2011

How to shorten 1 hour

How to shorten 1 hour
Time flies like a rocket when you need it the most and flows like a lake when you want it to pass. Is the theory of relativity behind this? I have one more hour in office and it feels like the big clock in front of my desk is not moving anymore. I wonder how to shorten 1 hour by at least a minute. A day in office can really seems like a week while a holiday seems like an hour. There are so much difference in what we called a same duration in the unit of time.

Nov 1, 2011

10 Little decisions to change the world

What is their hope?
1. Giving away some coins that doesn't matter much to you can make someone's happiest and luckiest day.

2. Giving away some clothes in the corner of our old box can safe someone dying from the cold of the winter,

3. Giving some left over water that you are about to pour out can safe someone dying of thirst

4. Your little prayers everyday can do many miracles for you and people you pray for.

Oct 30, 2011

Teaching students doesn't make you a teacher!!

Dangerous Teacher
No matter how young or old a person is, we are all learning which means we are all students- in one perspective. On the other simple and clear perspective, a student is one that listens the lectures or teachings in a classroom. Oh! let me begin again to be more clear, a student is one who is not teaching and yet goes to school, high school or college on all working days. A student may or may not listen to the lectures of the teacher, or sleep in the class, or be playful in the class, or have crush in the class, or brings nude magazines in the class, etc. etc. Anyway they are all students.

Oct 2, 2011

Shaken by the storm

HIS Judgement
Shaken by the storm, oppressed by cyclones, tortured by earthquakes, yet it still stands. How strong can one be? How brave can one be? How timid and weak can one be? Yet, all breathing the same air and the lives in the same competitive world. Sometimes, life seems unfair and unjust because someone have all the families around and a lot to eat and spend, while some one on the street have nothing. Nothing means nothings. Staring at the happy passers by, hungry and weak.

Sep 27, 2011

This World is not my home

No one can stay forever in this world, not even for a couple of centuries. It is in fact a that this world is not anyone's home. It is like a short term journey where we decide what we will be in our real home. The world is a place full of treasures, valuable treasures that will last forever and fake treasures that will last only for a short moment. There are many fake treasures that are in the reach of the few so called high class or the rich but the real treasures that will last for eternity is in the reach of every soul on the

Aug 28, 2011

Exciting hectic world

Beautiful evening after a hectic day
It was a hectic day, many things incomplete. I need to sleep early and wake up early. Make myself fresh and be ready soon to continue my unfinished and pending works. Despite being a tiresome day, mother nature is so kind to give such a beautiful evening view. The dimly lighted moon, almost in her full size have appeared in the eastern sky. The clouds giving out little drizzles small enough to be seen only under the rays of the streetlights that just started to shine. The sun showing all her beauty in the western sky with its last rays giving golden looks to the clouds. I wonder how people could imagine this beautiful combination to be an accident without a creator. I believe the Creator have set all these things in sync.

Confused and Confident

It is  midnight. I am thinking so much and it scares me. But I am not going to give up because, this is life I don't want to share to people all this burden on my shoulder because they can't do anything for me. I am not going to be depress because it does no good to anyone. But I know I have so many debts to pay which are not my debt. Many things to do because that will make my parents and relatives happy. Many people to help because I still many people who are in need more than me.